by Techfivestars | May 9, 2019 | News
Desktop users vs. Mobile users vs. Tablet users In this article we will show you a comparison chart in percentage of users including desktop, tablet and mobile. Therefore, you can understand the importance of responsive website is.
by Techfivestars | Sep 9, 2017 | News
Just a month ago, it was revealed that Facebook has more than two billion active monthly users. That means that in any given month, more than 25% of Earth’s population logs in to their Facebook account at least once. This kind of scale is almost impossible to grasp....
by Techfivestars | Feb 16, 2017 | News
What is Web Hosting? If you aren’t familiar with Web hosting, here’s a simple explanation. A Web host is a company that has servers that you’ll use to store and deliver the audio, video, documents, and other files that make up your website and its content. These...
by Techfivestars | Feb 16, 2017 | News
WordPress is a platform widely adopted by many and by many, I mean approximately 74,652,825 sites worldwide. Around 50% of this figure is hosted on free according to ManageWP Blog. WordPress also accounts for 18.9% of all self-hosted websites. Advantages...
by Techfivestars | Feb 12, 2017 | News
Many small businesses, especially new small businesses, run a lean operation. They focus on necessities and urgent matters, only spending money when they need to. So, it’s easy to see why some business owners might think a website is a luxury item they can afford to...